Before a Landslide:
Prepare your emergency kit and things to bring in case.
Be alert. Keep updated by the news on the radio or tv or by the call of the rescuers on when to evacuate.
Prepare a landslide disaster plan.
Know your area's risk for landslides.

During a Landslide:
Evacuate Immediately.
Don't panic and focus yourself and think fast of what to do safe to do.
Keep away from falling objects that can be harmful to you.
Relax and focus to exit and keep track of your family members with you.

After a Landslide:
Be aware of aftershocks of objects.
Stay away from the location until the emergency workers and the experts confirm that it is safe to go back.
Look out for loose wires, broken utility lines, and hanging objects, as they may be hazards.
Get in touch with emergency officials or listen to the radio or TV on what to do.